Author: admin
Project Green Rhumsiki, or Rhumsiki Vert, 2024
Project Rhumsiki Vert’s (aka Green Rhumsiki’s) purpose is to create a forest covering 35 hectares for the community of Rhumsiki in northern Cameroon. Rhumsiki was a world-famous tourist destination, made famous for its remarkable geography and particularly for the astounding spire of rock, Mt. Zivi. The common legend is that Rhumsiki’s name came from a…
Project Green Rhumsiki, or Projet Rhumsiki Vert, 2024
Projet Rhumsiki Vert’s (aka Green Rhumsiki’s) purpose is to create a forest covering 35 hectares for the community of Rhumsiki in northern Cameroon. Rhumsiki was a world-famous tourist destination, made f World Reserves’ Reforestation Efforts in Rhumsiki, Cameroon: A Step Toward a Greener Future Introduction: In the heart of Cameroon, nestled against the backdrop of jagged…